Manufacturing (Onshoring, Advanced Technology, Additive Manufacturing) and Industrial Base Resiliency

DoD sustainment and DMSMS obsolescence support requirements are becoming more complex and challenging due to aging of and extended life requirements for military weapons systems. Advanced technologies, such as additive manufacturing, are poised to significantly improve DoD’s supply of difficult-to-obtain (DMSMS) hardware, especially for sustainment and repair and overhaul situations. However, many advanced technologies still have challenges to overcome to become common place means of part production.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Current “state-of-the-art” for “advanced technology” methods relative to supporting DMSMS
  • Case studies showcasing how advanced technologies have helped provide an obsolescence solution
  • New technologies under development that might help support DMSMS requirements
  • Strengthening domestic manufacturing capabilities to secure a stable manufacturing source and establish supply chain resilience
  • Discussion of potential challenges in leveraging advanced technologies for obsolete parts and how those roadblocks may be overcome
  • Advanced technologies of interest include but are not limited to:
    • Additive manufacturing
    • 3D scanning, simulations, adaptive machining, repair technologies, and software

In summary, this session will help the DoD and industry practitioner search for DMSMS and sustainment solutions and select which of these advanced technologies may be suitable to help support their particular system and applications.

Critical Deadlines

Abstract Submission Oct 28
Abstract Notification Nov 14
Final Presentation Submitted Jan 30
